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AC-14 HHP Anchor
  • AC-14 HHP AnchorAC-14 HHP Anchor
  • AC-14 HHP AnchorAC-14 HHP Anchor
  • AC-14 HHP AnchorAC-14 HHP Anchor
  • AC-14 HHP AnchorAC-14 HHP Anchor

AC-14 HHP Anchor

AC-14 HHP Anchor is one type of stockless high holding power anchor. It is used as a bow anchor when sailing.

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Product Description

AC-14 HHP Anchor

The AC-14 HHP Anchor is a High Holding Power N Type Anchor. Its design provides excellent weight to performance ratios. The benefit of the AC-14 HHP Anchor is its 25% weight reduction compared to conventional anchors. This means more space and less weight on board. We supply both the standard version and fully balanced type. Our expert team can help you to select the right AC-14 anchor for your purpose.

High retention power capacity

The design of the AC-14 HHP anchor provides excellent retention even under challenging conditions. With its advanced design, this anchor can withstand 15 times its own weight, ensuring maximum safety and stability during anchoring. Whether you are sailing on rough seas or facing strong currents, you can rely on the AC-14 HHP anchor to ensure the safe mooring of your vessel.

Fully balanced and non-equilibrium types

There are two different types of AC-14 HHP anchors: fully balanced and unbalanced. The fully balanced design is used for high retention chains, while the non balanced design is an ideal choice for steel wire ropes. Both types are manufactured to the highest standards, ensuring that they meet or exceed all regulatory requirements.

Certified by major classification societies

All of our AC-14 HHP anchors come with certificates issued by major classification societies. This ensures that our products meet or exceed all relevant standards and regulations, making us a trusted anchor manufacturer.


Whether you need anchors, chains or towing equipment, you will find it at ANDY MARINE. We keep a wide range of products in stock to prevent ordering delays. The result for you? Get what you need and get back in business with minimal downtime. It’s as simple as that. If you need advice with making the right choice, don’t hesitate to ask one of our knowledgeable team.


30 491 440 136 299 85 236
45 590 529 164 359 99 283
75 677 605 188 411 122 324
94 718 643 199 437 130 344
113 745 666 207 452 135 357
135 821 737 228 500 143 394
180 904 811 251 550 157 434
225 974 874 270 593 169 468
270 1035 929 287 630 180 497
315 1090 978 302 663 189 524
360 1139 1022 316 694 198 547
428 1194 1071 331 727 206 574
495 1251 1122 347 762 216 602
585 1360 1221 378 828 236 654
675 1398 1254 387 851 242 672
765 1483 1304 404 885 264 698
855 1520 1363 423 925 267 729
968 1590 1425 440 968 275 764
1080 1631 1462 451 993 282 784
1193 1660 1490 465 1011 287 798
1305 1761 1580 488 1072 305 846
1440 1795 1610 497 1093 311 862
1575 1855 1665 514 1130 321 892
1710 1900 1705 526 1157 329 913
1845 1940 1741 538 1182 336 933
1980 1977 1774 548 1203 342 950
2138 2016 1809 559 1227 349 969
2295 2089 1874 579 1272 362 1004
2475 2150 1929 596 1309 373 1033
2655 2201 1975 610 1340 382 1057
2835 2253 2022 624 1372 390 1083
3038 2302 2066 638 1402 399 1107
3240 2352 2110 652 1432 407 1130
3443 2400 2154 665 1462 415 1154
3668 2451 2200 680 1493 424 1178
3938 2510 2252 696 1529 434 1207
4208 2549 2303 711 1563 444 1234
4500 2624 2355 727 1598 454 1261
4838 2688 2412 745 1637 465 1292
5175 2749 2467 762 1674 476 1321
5513 2808 2520 778 1710 486 1350
5850 2864 2570 794 1744 496 1376
6225 2923 2623 810 1780 506 1405
6525 2970 2665 823 1808 514 1428
6975 3042 2730 843 1853 527 1462
7425 3100 2872 859 1888 537 1490
7875 3162 2837 876 1925 547 1520
8325 3221 2890 893 1961 558 1548
8775 3278 2942 909 1996 567 1576
9225 3333 2991 924 2030 577 1602
9675 3386 3039 939 2062 586 1628
10125 3438 3085 953 2094 595 1653
10575 3488 3130 967 2124 604 1677
11025 3537 3174 981 2154 612 1700
11550 3592 3224 996 2188 622 1727
12075 3646 3272 1011 2220 631 1753
12675 3705 3325 1027 2256 641 1781
13350 3770 3383 1045 2296 653 1812
14100 3839 3445 1064 2338 665 1846
15000 3919 3517 1086 2387 678 1884
16125 4015 3603 1113 2445 695 1930
17250 4106 3685 1138 2501 711 1974
18375 4194 3763 1163 2554 726 2016
19500 4278 3839 11860 2605 740 2056
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